Monday, March 21, 2016

Badge Voting and In-Class Activities- Monday, March 21st

Badge Voting

Best in Show- Web Design
The entries of "Best in Show" are below.  Take some time to go through the websites.  Then, vote on the website you like the best.

Best in Show 1

Best in Show 2


Tech Helper
This badge will be awarded to a person who has provided tech support to classmates or the instructor, either in class or in Blackboard.  Use the form below to vote for the classmate who most closely aligns with the criteria.  You may vote for yourself.

Community Builder

This badge will be awarded to a person who has built the class community through commenting and sharing. The awardees might:

  • Be active in Twitter and blogs
  • Provide feedback or comments in blogs
  • Find and share other resources related to topics in blogs 
  • Share learning experiences during the semester
Use the form below to vote for the classmate who most closely aligns with the criteria.  You may vote for yourself.

Vote HERE for "Tech Helper" and "Community Builder"

In-Class Activities

  • Visit, read and respond to at least three of your classmates' blog posts.
  • Visit some of your classmates' twitter accounts.  Either retweet one of their tweets -OR- respond to one of their tweets using the "@" function.
